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Dear Future Wife

September 01, 2023

Dear Future Wife,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Although we have not yet met, I find myself writing these words with a heart full of hope and anticipation for the day when our paths will finally cross when those stars meet. I want you to know that even though I don't know your name or the exact circumstances that will bring us together, I have a deep and unwavering belief that our story is destined to be something of it’s kind.

I want you to know that my heart has been preparing for you for as long as I can remember. Over the past few years, I've been dedicated to cultivating the qualities and virtues that I believe will make me the best possible partner for you. I wholeheartedly commit to being patient, understanding, and unwaveringly supportive in everything we embark upon together. I will hold you in the highest regard, valuing the remarkable person that you are, and I will always strive to be the person you can lean on in times of need. Additionally, I've been hitting the gym to ensure I can effortlessly handle our shopping bags and have picked up the guitar, so I can serenade you with sweet melodies when the lights go down.

As I write this letter, I imagine the countless moments we will share in the future – from quiet evenings by the balcony on our sofa with a cup of coffee/tea to thrilling adventures in far-off places. I can envision the laughter, the love, and even the challenges that will shape our journey. Through it all, I promise to be your confidant, your partner in crime, and your rock.

I eagerly look forward to getting to know the unique qualities that make you, you. Your dreams, your passions, and your quirks will be a source of endless fascination and admiration for me. I want to learn about your favorite books, your favorite songs so I can play them for you, and the stories that have shaped your life. I want to be the person you can share your deepest thoughts and secrets with, knowing that I will always hold them in the strictest confidence.

In return, I promise to be open and honest with you, to share my dreams and fears, and to work together with you to build a life that is filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Until the day we finally meet, I will continue to grow and evolve as a person, with the knowledge that our love story will be worth the wait. I will keep the flame of hope burning brightly in my heart, knowing that you are out there, waiting for me just as I am waiting for you.

Please take your time on your own journey, and when the time is right, I trust that fate will bring us together. Until then, know that there is a man out there who is eagerly anticipating the day when he can call you his wife, his partner, and his greatest love.

