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A Letter To My Crush

July 06, 2022



Been a while, in fact a few months since my last post. I am very sure, people who have been waiting patiently for my next post might have given up also. 

Been through many things lately.

Well actually, there is something that I need to tell you guys so wait till the end of this post.



“I am not dead yet!!!, for those who think I am done for good.”

I have been rigorously chasing my dreams and I have been through quite a journey. Things weren’t always in my favor but I kept on living my life. Something which I find really cool these days is having an mBOB account. It somehow makes me feel I have grown up, and the decisions that I have made and all those things are fantastically cool. In Fact very cool!!! I guess that is the life of an adult. 

These days, I really have this desire - to own a car and travel wherever I want to - which has grown enormously bigger. This urge to have a car just keeps coming to me every time I think of something, despite the rise in fuel prices. Now that I have mentioned cars, it reminds me about my adaptability change with traveling in a car. Back in the days, 3000 years ago,  even a slight look at my phone while traveling in the car would make me sick, but now somehow I can use my phone while traveling in a car without getting sick.  

Life is fun!! Changes are beautiful! I like this shet!!

Anyways, as I write this blog, my desire of owning and driving the car is still coming to me, so if there’s anyone to help me with it please do so…haha…please I beg.



Changes, huh, I have gained weight in the last couple of days and I really don’t like this change. I really want to shred some of the weight but I lack motivation and commitment. I don’t know what's next in terms of shredding my weight but for the last three days I have maintained a continuum of playing basketball in the afternoon. It is amazing!

I am not sure if I should call this a….I don't know what to call it, but I have developed this liking towards blueberry ice cream. And speaking of ice cream, I can't stop craving ice cream. I don’t know who created such a thing but they have my respect. Haha

Oh I think this post somehow is becoming like an antakshari of words. So talking about respect, I think people somehow feel that my respect is biased. Well to my ground, I am biased but not biased because I like them but biased because they have earned it. People I don’t know why, but some seem to expect me to respect them when they haven’t earned it. What a funny thing right? Whatever your philosophy of respect is, I stick with the philosophy of earning respect if you have to be respected. Well, just complaining that I am not respected whosoever, it’s not fair on my part when you haven’t earned. Since I joined this league of adulthood recently, I have this philosophy of mine to stand on my own ground and decide for myself. To be honest! This respect bullshit gets me irritated for Christ sake. 

Any way too much negativity, well you know what, I feel the butterflies are flying around in my stomach these days. Basically my heart was robbed by someone, I think I am in love ;))

OMG! I just can't stop loving her.

Who? you might wonder.

Haha, well,  I will tell you when I need to!

Till then see ya!!!

 ✅  Who is my crush?


