About Me

Hi 👋I am Ugyen Jigme Rangdrel, a undergrad student studying at NIIT University, currently hit hard by reality. I love building things through programming💻 and enjoy writing about what I learn. This website is my digital garden—a bucket of things I've learned and written over the years.

Welcome to my spot on the internet for projects I've created, blogs I've written, videos I have made, opinions I have, the thoughts that run through my head and anything else I want to show the world.

Check out the projects to see the highlights of the project that I have completed. To know more about what I do, who I am or who my friends are - basically if you want to get an insight into my life, hop into the blog. If you want to get an exclusive insight you can contact and subscribe to the growing community of readers for my frequently written newsletters.

Lastly, if you want to talk to me, drop me a message via the contact page or follow me in the following media 👇. Till then keep exploring fellas✌!