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Beautiful Not Beautiful As It Was

August 19, 2023

You know what, I dont know if I should tell you or not…or maybe I might even take this post down later but right now I feel my life is seriously F**ked Up like hell. I dont know what the hell is wrong with me or what I am supposed to be doing. My energies are not keeping up as it is supposed to, is it the nineteen effect or what? I just feel like it’s going way down and down everyday. I am loosing my energy to keep up with my passion, loosing my energy to not waste my time, loosing my energy to live the tommorrows. Man, it’s just messed up you know.

I just don’t understand what this world or this life is, what the hell am I supposed to do, live? Live so that I please someone, why can’t I just live my own life the way I want to. Why does it always have to be the other person. Lol this remind of this bullcrap of bestfriend, never believed in that concept and I think now that I know just a thought about it makes me puke. Bestfriend to be used when you need one and getting thrown out when they don’t need you, it just sucks. Well is the way I am writing supposed to be meaning I am going crazy?

Talk about love, I guess there ain’t no butterfly left in my stomach you know. Just completely lost faith in it and I wish I was coldhearted to not be bothered to care others around me cause that just hurts at the end. And i sometimes wish, I could be an absentminded person, who forgets who I am even with. Does life or mind have a reset button? I seriously would like to start afresh and I want to live a simpler live without the past.

I don’t know but people seem find me self centered just because I talk about myself, so what should I be talking if I don’t talk about me. Should I gossip and cuss over peoples back? Do I need to do that to be a human? Seriously, the hell man. If do something then there’s this judgement of me doing that and if I don’t do theres judgement. What is this world really about? 

And you know what, I am just amazed how a Bhutanese passport doesn’t even have a addressproof of us on it which makes way harder to process things outside the country. I think should salute on it for make our lives much harder than it already is.’

Damn man, just hard to be living at this day and age…..

P.S: Post not edited by any editor just me writing what i feel!
