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The Intro | Let Me List Them Down For You

April 21, 2022

Hello there,

Well after a very long time of thinking whether I should start a blog or not, I just decided to start one. 

You May Ask Who Am I?:

You may know me very well or you may not - if you don't know me yet, I suggest you pause for a bit and click on 'About to know me'. I haven’t turned 18 yet but it is just a month and a few days away - I have been a goof since May 24, 2004 - just kidding. Speaking of some random facts about myself, I am passionate about programming and learning, so much so that I stay up the whole night. Mentioning the skills I have, it's been a while building web applications using PHP, Javascript and Python. Whenever the weather is clear I take out my drone and fly out. I do love eating a lot and at the same time, I also enjoy cooking. Sometimes I just enjoy basking under the sun and delving deeper into my imaginations. 

Why read?

  • Have you ever done crazy things during high school?
  • Have you ever had a hard time sleeping at night just because you were overthinking your thoughts?
  • Have you ever found it hard to find a passion?
  • Have you ever been misunderstood while you are trying to explore?
  • Have you ever thought of flying out in space?
  • Have you ever felt so stressed and depressed at times when you were supposed to be happy?
  • Have you ever got rejected from the colleges that you applied to?
  • Have you ever felt like your life was going down the drain?
  • Have you ever felt like your dreams of reaching the stars were crash landing in the ocean?
  • Have you ever wanted to stop procrastinating but couldn’t stop it?
  • Have you ever wanted to code something you imagined?
  • Have you ever tried starting a start-up but failed?
  • Have you ever overthought the what-ifs?
  • Have you ever felt like you were being slapped so hard by reality?
  • Have you ever wondered about being rich?
  • Have you ever been dumped by your girlfriend?
  • Maybe, have you ever been rejected by the people you had a crush on?
  • Have you ever wanted to live out of the conventions
  • Or Have you ever created new English words?

If some of these questions connected to you, you have been through the similar things that I’ve been through in my life. If that’s the case, these blogs that I am going to write should be interesting to read. In the following blogs, I will be writing about my personal experiences and the journey that I have come through in the last 17 years of my life. Through my blog I hope to build a community of individuals thriving to follow their dream no matter what. But sometimes this can turn ironic!

Else if these questions don't connect to you, sad on my part but feel free to explore the blogs. Someday or the other you might end up connecting to what I write.

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P.S: I am still learning a lot of things. Some things were successes and others were failures. But I hope to share my experiences through the events in my life. And if some of these stories mean a lot to you, you can talk to me over a nice treat - condition: you will have to treat me - jokes aside feel free to reach out to me anytime. 

✅Upcoming: 5 Years of Programming or Meet My Friends 101 Series | Episode 1
