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Meet My Friends 101 | Episode 001

April 25, 2022


Meet My Friends 101 series is a series of interviews that I will be publishing about my friends and colleagues. I will be sharing with you some of the interesting facts and philosophies that they believe in. On top of that I will be also sharing some captured moments of my friends' life through photos and who knows you might know something which you don’t know about them. So I recommend you to tune in.

For this first episode of the series, I bring to you my dear friend Bachu Chewang Pelden. (Azhim Tong Tong).


Welcome to Meet My Friends 101 with Jigme’s Hive. How do you feel about featuring here and how are you doing these days?

“Thank you. I feel amazing to be able to contribute to something which you have been working very hard on. These days I am just enjoying my vacation and working on my college applications.”

Hell yeah, she is feeling amazing. Its an honor and a pleasure to have you here, thank you for agreeing to do this with me. And I am glad to hear that you are working on your college applications, speaking of college application - I am really nervous.


Tell us about you - a little intro on yourself.

“I am Bachu Chewang Pelden and I recently graduated from high school. I am from Trongsa but I live in Thimphu. If you want to know more just continue reading.”

Yeah, she is right, continue reading if you want to know more about her.

First and foremost, let’s recollect some history. How, when and where did you meet me for the first time? And how did we get close?

“I don’t remember clearly but for sure we met at the school in 2016. I think you know how we got close more than I do so if you want to say it yourself.”

Yes we got close somehow, but if you really want to know how, just subscribe to the newsletter to know the backstory.


Well, I heard people(including myself) call you tong tong, how did you get that name?

“It is obvious how I got that name. However, if you don’t know me you can look at the picture and you will understand without any elaboration.”


You know there are times when you are so annoyed by some friends, who is that one friend that annoys you the most? Why?

“So, as you are expecting; yes, it is YOU. Maybe it is probably because we talk a lot and sometimes we do not agree with each other. ”

She is also annoying but as she mentioned, we talk a lot and that could be the reason. By observing how people that annoy me talk with me, I feel like an organization has been formed just to annoy me. The words that they use are no different from one another. It's a mystery, I guess.

I know that you stay up late at night most of the time. What keeps you awake at night? 

“Usually, I stay up late watching videos/movies but recently I think a lot about my future and college stuff. ”

I hope those thoughts become a reality in the future.


What’s the order of choice when it comes to films? How would you order the following choices? (Bollywood, Hollywood, Korean, Bhutanese)

“It may sound odd but I am not really into Korean movies/dramas, however recently I started to watch a few, Shout-out to my friends! Without any doubt, my first choice would be Bollywood movies and then the others are on the same level.”

 If anyone needs a go-to friend as a Bollywood wiki, you can always talk to her. From stories of how she cried when she watched “Shershaah” to how she farted(I am joking) - jokes aside how she laughed when she watched “Golmaal Again.”

If you choose to get married one day, what would your dream proposal scenario be?

“I don’t have any, I guess.”


Who would be your go-to friend if you were feeling low?

“I have a few of them and if you are reading this I think you know who you are.”

Whoever you are, I would say you better be reading this.


Out of all your family members, who are you the closest to?

“I am close with everyone but if I were to pick one, it would be my brother.”


When have you been so proud of yourself?

“There were a lot of moments when I was happy or proud of getting involved. For example, participating in the STEM Olympiad, scout camps and numerous others. ”


Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?

“I generally do not look upon one person because there are different traits that I love from different people. For instance, I admire the caring nature of my parents, the dedication of my friends and the responsibilities some people take from a very young age.”


Where do you want to be five years from now? Or Ten? Or Fifteen?

“I am not certain about my future but I hope whatever kind of work I am into, I am enjoying and not doing it for the sake of it.”


Is there a person who knows everything about you?



Do you prefer sharing your secrets with others? Why or why not?

“Yes, I do prefer sharing my secrets with someone who I can rely on. This is mainly because he/she can guide/support me in every move and to know that there is someone who is always there for me brings great joy.”


Why do you like the Good Doctor series so much? Is it because I introduced you to it….by the way just joking hehe….So any reasons?

“I enjoy watching this series because I feel connected to it and I can imagine myself in their shoes. It is not only about doctor stuff but also there are a lot of different aspects to it. So, if you are still thinking about which movie/series to watch next, you probably can start watching The Good Doctor series:-)”

If you haven’t watched the series yet, I would surely recommend you to watch it. As she mentioned, it's not only about the work of a doctor but it also highlights various aspects of life.


What is the philosophy that you live upon?

“My philosophy is just live in the present and acknowledge the people and the moment you are in. Carpe diem!”


Was there a time when you felt like giving up?

“Yes, most of the time. Like every morning we can either wake up early or give up and continue sleeping. In my case, most of the time sleep wins.”


If you could turn invisible what would you do with that ability?

“I will probably be roaming around and eating some free lunch. Moreover, how can I forget about Lays, I will steal a lot.”

If you have a shop, you would better check your stock right away - I'm kidding 


Do you base your decisions on instincts or logic?

“I would say both depending on the situation.”


What is the life that you imagine to be living in the future? How do you want to live?

“As I already stated I hope I find joy in whatever I do and get to explore and experience different things.”


Is there anything you want to say to the readers or have messages for your friends?

“Do support Jigme’s Hive and enJOY.”

Yeap everyone, I hope you continue to support Jigme's Hive

Well, here comes to the end of this episode. I want to thank Bachu for joining me. I hope everyone enjoyed this new series. If you like this series, don't miss out the upcoming episodes. In order to get notified, please do subscribe to the email list. Till then, see ya!!!


✅Upcoming: A Letter To My Crush 

